Dr. Robert Kim

Interests: Pain Management, Acupuncture, Complementary Medicine, Medical Research

Dr. Robert Kim is a medical doctor who specializes in pain management. He became interested in acupuncture as a complementary therapy to conventional medicine. Dr. Kim has a medical degree from Harvard Medical School and has completed an acupuncture certification program.

Articles By This Author

Revitalizing Your Skin: The Unexpected Benefits of Acupuncture in Dermatology
Acupuncture for Health & Wellness Acupuncture for Specific Conditions

Revitalizing Your Skin: The Unexpected Benefits of Acupuncture in Dermatology

Uncover the transformative power of acupuncture for skin health in our latest blog. Dive into expert videos, interactive quizzes, and FAQs detailing acne, eczema, and psoriasis relief. Marvel at patient transformations and learn the anti-aging secrets of cosmetic acupuncture, all while exploring skin-nourishing dietary tips and calculating your personalized treatment costs. Join us for a journey to radiant skin through ancient wisdom.

The Journey to Wellness: How Acupuncture Complements Cancer Treatment
Acupuncture for Specific Conditions Acupuncture for Health & Wellness

The Journey to Wellness: How Acupuncture Complements Cancer Treatment

Explore the benefits of acupuncture in cancer care through our comprehensive guide. Dive into expert videos, charts, and FAQs detailing how this ancient practice can ease treatment symptoms, with safety tips and real community insights. Essential for those considering integrative oncology.

Investigating the Average Acupuncture Salary: A Career Worth Pursuing?
Acupuncture Training & Careers

Investigating the Average Acupuncture Salary: A Career Worth Pursuing?

Explore the potential of an acupuncture career in our latest blog post. Unravel the acupuncture salary guide, understand the benefits beyond income, and weigh up training costs against earnings. Discover if this path could be your future investment.

Is Acupuncture Covered by Insurance? A Comprehensive Guide
Acupuncture & Insurance

Is Acupuncture Covered by Insurance? A Comprehensive Guide

Explore the ins and outs of acupuncture insurance coverage in our comprehensive guide. Learn which plans cover acupuncture, how Medicare fits in, tips to maximize benefits, and more. A must-read for anyone considering acupuncture therapy.